How To Pack A Sound System When Moving – Tips For Packing A Sound System
9th November, 2018

Determining how to pack a sound system is often easier said than done, especially if you need to pack them for storage rather than simply transporting from A to B. Ensuring that you pack your sound system properly will prevent damage during the move. This is a particularly desirable outcome if you’ve spent a considerable amount on it. To make storage easier, we’ve created a stepwise process for you to follow which is based on the knowledge we’ve accrued during our rich 70-year history.
Step 1: Disconnect the speakers from the main unit
Step 2: Clean & dust the entire sound system
Step 3: Purchase quality boxes and packaging supplies
Step 4: Bubble wrap the sound system
Step 5: Carefully pack the sound system into a moving box
Step 6: Securely seal the box with tape and label as fragile
Step 7: Transport the sound system to your desired destination
Step 8: Pack your storage space properly
Step 1: Disconnect the speakers from the main unit
The first step of the process is to ensure that everything is properly disconnected. The last thing you want is for your sound system to get damaged with it still being connected together. Unplug your sound system from the mains power supply, then carefully disconnect the speakers from the main unit and ensure that all cables are bound together with cable ties to prevent accidental damage.
Step 2: Clean & dust the entire sound system
With your sound system likely to have its own place within your home, it’s likely that over time it’ll accumulate dust over time whether you use it frequently or not. This means that you should ensure that your sound system is completely clean and free of dust before either storage or transportation to your new property. To do this, you should:
– Use a damp cloth to wipe the main unit and speakers down, whilst being careful to prevent any moisture getting inside.
– Once you have removed the dust, you should ensure all parts are dry using a tea towel or kitchen roll.
– If your sound system is already free of dust and/or doesn’t require any cleaning, then you can proceed to the next step.
Step 3: Purchase quality boxes and packaging supplies
To give your sound system ultimate protection, you should look to encase them in high-quality packaging materials & supplies. If you’re placing your sound system into storage, then your provider should be able to supply everything you need, but if you’re moving to a new property then you should consider buying the materials you need. To protect your sound system, you’ll need:
– Bubble wrap
– A large moving box
– Packing paper
– Packaging tape
– Permanent marker and/or labels
Step 4: Bubble wrap the sound system
To bubble wrap your sound system, you should follow these simple instructions:
1. Lay out a piece of bubble wrap on a flat surface
2. Place a speaker and cables into the middle of the bubble wrap and begin to fold inwards to cover all sides, then use packaging tape to secure in place.
3. Repeat this process for the other speaker and put to one side ready to be packed away.
4. Next, lay out a large piece of bubble wrap that will fit around the main unit of your speaker system and remove any loose parts to wrap separately.
5. Place the main unit in the middle of the bubble wrap and follow step 2, it might be a good idea to double wrap for added protection.
Step 5: Carefully pack the sound system into a moving box
When packing the sound system into a moving box, you should ensure to be as careful as possible to prevent accidental damage. To do this, simply follow these steps:
1. Assemble your moving boxes and use packaging tape to secure the bottom.
2. Line the inside of your moving box with bubble wrap.
3. Place your main unit inside first, before then adding the speakers.
4. Fill any excess space with packing paper to ensure that the contents are unable to move during transit.
Step 6: Securely seal the box with tape and label as fragile
When you have packed your sound system into a moving box, then you should seal the box securely using packaging tape. Be generous with the tape as this will ensure to reinforce the top and bottom panels and prevent anything from falling out of the box during transit. Once you have sealed the box, you should ensure to label as fragile so that no matter who moves the box it will always be treated with care.
Step 7: Transport the sound system to your desired destination
Once you have packed your sound system away and labelled correctly, you will need to transport them to your next destination; whether that be your new home or to a storage unit. Wherever you decide to transport your sound system, though, you should ensure that the box it is contained in is securely placed within a vehicle. Try not to pile anything on top of or underneath the box to prevent damage during transit, where the most significant danger is movement and impact.
Step 8: Pack your storage space properly
Finally, if you’re placing your box in storage, then you should have similar considerations to packing the box into a vehicle. In your storage space, you should be sure to allow for plenty of room and refrain from piling heavy boxes on top. However, it is a good idea to place the box on a large furniture item or sturdy base so that it’s not simply just placed on the floor. While much of this seems like common sense, these are critical steps in ensuring that your sound system does not become damaged during the move.
For more moving tips and tools, please view our other helpful articles and tools. If you would like to speak to a moving expert now, then simply call us on 1300 379 190.